What is de-budding? Ask a Winemaker Wednesday

Once again, it’s “Ask a Question Wednesday”!

Join us each Wednesday as we share answers to our, “Ask a Winemaker Wednesday” here at Ruby Magdalena Vineyards.

We had a great question asked about what we’re currently doing in the vineyard!

“What is be-budding?”

We are currently in de-budding mode. This means that we are removing all of the extra growth from the bottom and sides of the cordons and the trunks as well as any unnecessary growth.

Follow us to keep learning about the wonderful, complex process of how we create what has been called the most complex fluid on the planet (wine, duh) from our little 1.5-acre parcel of ground in Washington State.

Would you like to learn more about the how’s, why’s and when’s of vineyard maintenance?
We offer one on one or group tours!

Do you want to learn something about…

  • Winemaking?
  • Grapegrowing?
  • How we farm the land?
  • Our garden?
  • Why we do the things we do?
  • Or even more about that quirky couple, Marty & Ryan?

Please feel free to leave us a question in the comments below and we’ll feature one or two on our next “Ask a Question Wednesday”.

You can reach us at the “contact us” tab above, send us a message on Facebook, email us at rubymagdalena@outlook.com or even call us at (509) 930-2111

You can find Marty, Ryan and Magdalena Vineyards on FacebookInstagram and of course at rubymagdalenavineyards.com

Please feel free to leave us a question in the comments below and we’ll feature one or two on our next “Ask a Question Wednesday”.