Meet Ryan Johnson, Co-Owner

Ryan was born and raised in Salt Lake City, Utah. She lived there until graduating high school when she moved to Denver hoping to go to college to become a veterinarian. Things didn’t quite work out for her, and she subsequently returned to SLC a few years later. She purchased her first vehicle when she […]

…and more geeky stuff

Did you know that there are many things that affect the way wine tastes? Of course, the variety and ripeness of the grapes, the location, soil, climate and style of grape growing, the way the wine was made, the age and storage (elevage) of the wine, the temperature of the wine, what you’re eating (or […]

It’s Thursday, March 17th

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Do you know why it’s important to have green in the vineyard? The leaves (canopy) of the grape vines produce carbohydrates (sugars) from sunlight, water and CO2 gas to grow plant tissue and ripen the grape clusters. The growing vine also provides nutrients for the microbes that live in the soil, […]